Dengue:Types,Symptoms,Prevention And Stats

Dengue Might Be At Your Doorsteps
Knock It Out Before It knocks You Out ! ! !

Monsoon has arrived and so the dengue. Dengue is one of the most deadly vector borne disease affecting millions of people every year. Dengue outbreak has proven to be fatal many a times in history.

You must be properly equipped before you go on fighting against dengue. This article will make you aware of tactics and things that will help you in fighting dengue

Things to know:

  • What is dengue ?
  • Types of dengue fever
  • Dengue symptoms
  • Last year's dengue stats
  • Dengue's preventive measures
What is dengue ?

Dengue is a vector borne disease that spreads through the infectious bite of female mosquito Aedes Ageypti(dengue parasite). These mosquitoes breed in fresh water and generally bite during day time or morning time.

Types of dengue fever

Dengue fever is generally of 2 types:
  1. Normal dengue fever
  2. Severe dengue fever

Symptoms of Dengue Fever 

Dengue Diagnosis
  • At preliminary stage, to diagnose dengue Antigen blood test (NS1)is to be done.
  • If, going for diagnosis after 3-4 days, from the day you actually started developing symptoms of dengue, then go for Antibody test (Dengue Serology).
  • Do keep check on the platelets count every time you for for the test.
Dengue Prevention

  1. Fill up the digs or pits near by your surrounding.
  2. Don't let water to stand still in water coolers, in bathrooms, in pots(flower pots!!!!).
  3. Wear full sleeve clothes during day.
  4. Do spread insecticides/pesticides in water coolers, near pots.
Have a look at last years outbreak in these pics

Present Scenario
Countries like Yemen, Phillipines, Brazil have come up as the worst hit dengue regions this year and thing to worry about is that it all has just started there are yet many cases to come up. In India state like Odisha is heavily affected by dengue. Jamshedpur, Cuttack, Barbil are also some areas that have shown the signs of dengue outbreak.

Don't Forget, They Spread When We Become Careless

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