Sunday, 17 July 2016

Sri Lanka Ports Authority launches ‘dengue-free port’ program

Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has launched a special health program under the concept of a ‘dengue-free port’ to eradicate the mosquito-borne disease.
The special program to clean the surrounding areas of Sri Lanka Port Authority’s Jaya Container Terminal (JCT) was launched Thursday with the participation of the employees of JCT. Predictable mosquito breeding places were destroyed with the participation of SLPA Chairman Dammika Ranatunga.
In addition to clearing the surroundings to eliminate dengue larvae breeding sites, the program also aims to raise awareness in the employees about the disease.
SLPA Deputy Director of Operations Jayantha Perera said appreciated the employees who joint the worthy program, without having to disrupt their everyday ship operations.
“With the use of our own resources we were able to continue this program without having to face any costs. Moreover, we were capable of accurately continuing our ships’ operations,” Deputy Director said.
The Ministry of Health has paid special attention on controlling the dengue as it has reached epidemic levels in some districts, especially in the Colombo district. Simultaneously, the Ports Authority also organized its ‘dengue-free port’ program to support the Health Ministry’s efforts. A special committee has been appointed for the success of this program. Chief Medical Officer of the Sri Lanka Ports Authority Ms. Dharshani Rajakanthan said that she is expecting to have a meeting every month and to set a variety of strategies and plans to create a dengue-free port.
“In the recent past we had to deal with lot of rain, hence the spread of dengue has increased. Therefore, we have to constantly be vigilant and pay attention to the environment and keep it clean,” the health official said.
“We can minimize dengue mosquito breeding by cleaning sites where stagnant water is collected in the port premises and storing the materials around the port such as tires properly,” Dr. Rajakanthan suggested.
What is most important is to consider about yourself and to keep your surrounding environment clean it would protect yourself from the disease as well as the others around you,” she added.

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